Extracting the left hand valves..
Putting a bit of pressure on to start the valves moving.
Once the inital movement was obtained, the valves were extracted from the front.
First one out.
And then the second one, the weight now being taken by the "A" frame.
The valve bore now empty with a lot of debris at the front.
A cylinder cover
The cylinder where it came from, leaving behind all the stumps of the studs which had to be cut.
Another pallet of parts for storage, including the R/H reverser shaft return spring.
A fully stripped left hand weigh shaft bracket with reverser pedestal and expansion link trunnion brackets.
The reverser cross shaft removed.
A tedious job is the drilling out of the cut studs which hold the piston and valve covers in place. This is the left hand front cylinder job underway.
A new front tube plate has been obtained.
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