After many years being moved from pillar to post, the long-awaited restoration of the last ‘standard

Scotland was not exactly a stamping ground for Robert Riddles’ superlative ‘9F’ 2-10-0s. Indeed, none of the original 251 locomotives were ever allocated to Scottish sheds and, of those that did run north of the border, such occasional incursions were mostly made by those based out of Carlisle Kingmoor, which only received its first batch of ‘Spaceships’ as late as 1964. So, when No. 92219 – the penultimate ‘9F’ to be built – moved to Boat of Garten on the Strathspey Railway in May 2023, it made a little bit of history in becoming the first of its class to be officially based at a Scottish shed. But, more significantly, the move also heralded the start of its long-awaited restoration from Barry condition, and the beginning of its eventual return to steam after many years waiting in the wings.

Sunday, 27 October 2024

Dismantling July 2024.

The right hand running plate and front valve cover have now been removed.  The valve itself is still firmly stuck in the bore.  It had lost its right hand piston and covers long before it arrived at Aviemore.


When 92219 arrived, the only things remaining in the smoke box is the superheater header and the right hand steam pipe.  A slot has been cut above the superheater header to make its removal easier, the smoke box itself will need to be replaced, so making holes in it doesn't matter.


 Seonagh using the gas cutter to remove the right hand steam pipe.

The steam pipe and smoke box door have now been removed.

The smoke box door being taken away for storage.

On the left hand side of the smoke box is a large hole where someone in the locos past had cut the left hand steam pipe away, instead of removing the bolts.  The valves and rear piston cover are still in place.

The next item to be tackled is the left hand weigh shaft bracket with reverser pedestal and expansion link trunnion brackets.

A start on removing the reverser operating shaft. by now the slide bars have been removed.

The reverser bracket stripped down.

The reverser screw.

Putting a slight bit of pressure on the left hand rear cylinder cover.

Just enough tension to break the seal, eventually.

One removed cylinder cover.

The smoke box is now empty.  Boiler tubes have been removed, just the ends of the small tubes remain.

Outside a large number of the rivets holding the smoke box to the boiler have been removed.

Sunday, 20 October 2024

Dismantling starts June 2024.

The first thing to be removed was the left hand cylinder front cover.  Unfortunately, there aren't any pictures of the removal, but having been on there for many years the studs had to be cut to get it off. Brian weighing up the next job, which was the front valve cover.


Applying heat to the nuts in an attempt to remove them.

Finally attempting  to loosen the nut with a spanner.

Colin is attempting to do the same to remove the right hand valve front cover.

A pile of removed plates and covers.

 The nuts have been removed but the platework is in the way.

Front view.

Another view.

 Brian having a go at removing the platework.

Sucessfully removed.

 Now for the valve cover.

 Nathan weighing the job up.


Making a start.


 It's moving.

Almost there.

It's free, take the weight.

And it's down, shed dog Nigel looking on.


 The valve cover sucessfully removed.

The next problem, how to remove the piston head and valves.  they have been in this position for 59 years and are stuck solid.